Donnerstag, 30. Juni 2011

Namaste Deutschland.

Marina and I had just come back visitng some amazing castles. Her mom had packed some delicious cake for the trip but we hadn't finished it, so we took it up to her room. Then, when we were on her bed, eating and talking about random things: sport, dance, life, boys, etc was when I realised that I really like Marina and like spending time with her. Her family is just the sweetest and I felt at home. My two weeks in Germany were undoubtedly the best of my short-lived life. Never before had I walked, cycled, trekked or run so much or so fast and loved it. I enjoyed coming back home late, dead tired everyday and having a nice, warm meal, surrounded by warm, lovable people. I'm thrilled that I did things I never did back home in India. Swimming in a freezing current, going on crazy rides, rock climbing, wearing clothes I wouldn't even be found dead in in India, running to catch the tram, cycling through those beautiful, seemingly endless fields, just hanging out with Marina are things I can't forget.

P.s I LOVED the food. I just couldn't get enough of that
bread, butter, dessert and you get my point.

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